Doing a bit of a deep dive into Meister Eckhart this past week. I have to say, after spending the past 6 months studying Plotinus and Neo-Platonism in general I can't believe Eckhart was not exposed to those ideas at some point. I am just seeing so much overlap. 

Plotinus' Ennead III: On the Descent of the Soul into Bodies

Introduction to the Soul: Plotinus begins by discussing the nature of the soul, emphasizing its divine origin and its connection to higher realities.

The Descent of the Soul: Plotinus explores the soul's descent from the divine realm into the material world. This descent involves the soul taking on a succession of bodies as it becomes entangled with the physical realm.

Purification and Return: The soul's journey involves a process of purification, where it detaches itself from the material world and strives for a return to its original divine state.

Intellectual Beauty and Unity: Plotinus introduces the concept of Intellectual Beauty as a divine principle that draws the soul toward unity. The soul's ascent involves a progression through various levels of reality.

The One as the Ultimate Source: The culmination of the soul's journey is union with the One, the ultimate source and principle of all reality. Plotinus discusses the ineffable nature of the One and the transformative experience of the soul's reunion with it.

Ethical Considerations: Throughout Ennead III, Plotinus touches upon ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of virtue and the pursuit of the Good in aligning the soul with its divine nature.

On the one hand Hegel was a proponent of  historical development. His view of history was one of an unfolding of human consciousness and freedom. History progressed as societies and individuals resolved conflicts and contradictions to move toward more freedom and self-realization.

On the other hand:  “What experience and history teach is this — that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it.”

So 🤷‍♂️.